James, I mentioned HOP banning the cops from marching in uniform in my lede sentence.
You wrote that “GOAL does fantastic work,” yet you oppose allowing them to march in uniform until they achieve results that satisfy you. That is unreasonable. They are allies now, and should be welcomed as such.
As I said, we are part of a multi generational struggle. It is the struggle that deserves celebrating, not just reaching the goal. You write as if we have achieved nothing since Stonewall. That reflects the same counterproductive all-or-nothing attitude that has dominated the movement in recent years.
HOP’s own membership voted to let GOAL march in uniform. I suppose democracy is passé, along with accurate descriptions of what one is responding to. I stated that police brutality is real, and I mentioned ongoing reform efforts in my own city that I am involved in. If I thought “everything is okay now,” those efforts would not be needed.